The Most Expensive Pixel On The Internet - Own it for a month!

Total spent on pixel : $775.31 (Target $1,000)
Last winner spent : $710.00

Jan 15, 2006

The second auction has finished!

I only hope the traffic this site generates lives up to the price.

Jan 8, 2006

Finally the second auction is open for bidding!

Up till now I've been way too busy to get around to doing a second auction. So Stan has been able to enjoy his position on the pixel for a great deal longer than 7 days and benefit from all that traffic!

Now it's time to auction the pixel again.

And I've now upped the ownership time to a full month!

Bid early and bid often!

Here is a link to the previous auction.

Oct 18, 2005

I'm happy to announce the first winner!

Congratulations Stan Oleynick from

The winning bid was $34.31 which seems like a good first outing for the pixel and brings the amount of money spent on it to $65.31.

The next auction will go up sometime in the next few days.

Oct 13, 2005

The first auction is over and we have a winner!

As soon as the ebay/paypal transaction is complete, I'll put the link up.

Oct 3, 2005

The site is launched!